Browsing All Posts By Mo Raja
eLeaf iStick Review

eLeaf iStick Review


This unique box mod's name may be deceiving, as it is not really a 'stick,' but rather a rectangular box that is smaller in size than a deck of cards. But rest assured that, with ...

Blu Cigs Pro Kit Review

Blu Cigs Pro Kit Review


First off, it is important to note that there is a bit of confusion surrounding Blu eCigs, which are from the UK, and Blu Cigs, which are from the US. The confusion arises because ...

Blackcat Premium E-Twist Review

Blackcat Premium E-Twist Review


The Blackcat premium vaporiser is definitely one of those items that is best for smokers who have been looking for a product to take their e-cig experience to a new level. So if ...

777 (Triple Seven) eCigs e-Hookah Review

777 (Triple Seven) eCigs e-Hookah Review


For hookah fans and those who are simply interested in smoking a hookah, 777 has created an e-Hookah product that is sure to please. This electronic vaporising product will give ...

Aspire Nautilus E-Cig Tank Review

Aspire Nautilus E-Cig Tank Review


Clearomisers for e-cigs are hitting the market on a consistent basis. With major companies that include Innokin, Vision, Kanger, and Aspire all vying for the most profits, they're ...

777 (Triple Seven) eCigs Bullet Electronic Cigarette Review

777 (Triple Seven) eCigs Bullet Electronic Cigarette Review


If you are a big fan of e-cigarette products and brands, you may have heard quite a bit lately about 777 eCigs, which has been growing rather quickly over the last year. This ...

777 (Triple Seven) eCigs – The M-1 Mod Review

777 (Triple Seven) eCigs – The M-1 Mod Review


777 eCigs are working on expanding the number of products that they offer, which means there are many brand new items to choose from, such as tanks, batteries, branded mods, and ...