
  • evolution-smoking-infographic

    Evolution from Smoking to Vaping

    The most traded product on the planet is the cigarette. People smoke tobacco cigarettes all over the world, and the global cigarette industry is worth hundreds of billions of dollars, with roughly 15 billion cigarettes bought every single day throughout the world. This translates to roughly 10 million cigarettes being smoked each minute.

    But how did smoking become so big and so popular? Continue reading for a short history on the evolution of smoking to get a clearer idea of why this hobby isn’t going anywhere.

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    Guide: What is an E-Liquid?

    If you’re aware of even just the basics about electronic cigarettes and how they work, you already know that they use what’s known as an e-liquid, which may also be referred to as e-cig juice, in order to operate. Basically, the e-liquid that you place into your electronic cigarette is what will be heated and turned into a vapour that you’ll then inhale.

    But if you really want to know more about what an e-liquid is in order to be absolutely certain that these liquids are safe to inhale, continue reading. The guide below will hopefully serve to answer all of your questions about e-cig liquids.


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    Electronic Cigarette Industry Statistics

    The electronic cigarette market has been steadily growing since it was first created in the early 2000s. In fact, year after year, more and more people all over the world are finding out more information about e-cigs and what vaping is all about. And as more people learn about vaping, more of them are heading out and purchasing their first e-cig kits so they can get started.

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    Guide: How to E-Cigarettes Work

    Are you new to vaping and electronic cigarettes? You may be wondering what an e-cig even is, as well as what components it contains to make it work. You may even be wondering how it works.

    All of the information you need to introduce yourself to e-cigs is below.

  • electronic-cigarettes-history

    History of Electronic Cigarettes

    Electronic cigarettes have come a long way, but many people are not aware of their history and other interesting facts about them. In fact, even the most avid vapers may not be aware of the following information on e-cigs. So if you are a vaping enthusiast and you want to know as much as possible about e-cigs, continue reading to learn more.

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    E-Cigarette News, Stats, Facts & Research

    Electronic cigarettes have come a long way very quickly. Even though they have only been available throughout the world for a few years, many people are jumping on the vaping bandwagon for a variety of great reasons. Whether they are looking for a healthy way to effectively quit smoking tobacco cigarettes, or they simply enjoy the vaping experience with all of its myriad flavoured e-liquids, there are many people who have fallen in love with vaping.

    But to really get to know more about the electronic cigarette market and what makes it so popular, continue reading for a list of interesting news, stats, and facts about e-cigs and their accessories.

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    Infographic: Electronic Cigarette Market in the United States

    One of the many countries in the world where vaping has really taken off and where the electronic cigarette market is thriving and growing is the United States. This is due mostly to the fact that these devices produce a harmless vapour that is a lot safer and healthier than the smoke produced by regular tobacco cigarettes. As more people want to lead healthier lifestyles by quitting smoking, they are taking up vaping in order to make a smooth transition to ditching nicotine for good.

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    Electronic Cigarettes Numbers & Percentages

    When it comes to the electronic cigarettes market, numbers really do speak louder than words. The statistics that have been collected over the last few years since e-cigs really took hold of the global marketplace are truly astounding. This new market is growing rapidly, thanks to the fact that vaping is such a pleasurable experience and e-cig devices are offered in a range of prices to suit all budgets.

    To learn more about electronic cigarettes and really take a look at some of the numbers that prove how successful this market really is, continue reading.

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    Infographic: Evolution of Electronic Cigarettes

    Electronic cigarettes, which are also commonly referred to as e-cigs, have certainly come a long way over the last few decades. To really get a clearer picture of when electronic cigarettes first appeared and how much they have changed, continue reading. The timeline below is sure to give you a better understanding of how the modern e-cig was born.

  • Infographic: Guide to Drip Vaping

    While regular vaping involves merely screwing your cartridge onto your battery or filling up your tank with your preferred e-liquid, drip vaping is a more exact and intricate form of vaping. Many people who give direct dripping a try find that they’re immediately hooked and don’t want to ever go back to traditional vaping.

    If you’re interested in drip vaping but you’ve never tried it before, continue reading. The guide below will introduce you to drip vaping so you can determine whether it’s right for you and if it’s something you want to pursue.

  • Vaping Hacks – D.I.Y Vape Stands for Your E-Cigarette Kit

    When it comes to vaping, there are a surprising number of ways to take a DIY approach to keeping your e-cig devices safe and secure at home, at the office, and even on the go in your car. If you’ve been searching for an affordable vape stand for your electronic cigarettes so that they can be held securely in place but also be within easy reach whether you’re at home or at work, continue reading, as the products below are used for everyday purposes but can also double as vape stands. By using the products below, you’ll also be able to save money so you can instead spend it on upgrading your e-cig devices and accessories.

  • Vape Hacks: D.I.Y Ways to Travel with Your E-Cigarette Kit in Your Car

    The great thing about electronic cigarettes is the fact that you can carry them wherever you go, just like you can take regular tobacco cigarettes anywhere. But travelling with delicate and sometimes expensive vaping devices, especially by car, can be a bit of a hassle because it can be difficult to locate a spot in your car where you can securely hold them in place, whether you like vaping while driving or not.

    Thankfully, there are plenty of vaping hacks that allow you to take a DIY approach to travelling with your vaping devices in your car. These are affordable options, and the products below are really easy to find in stores and online. So take a look at the suggestions below, as you may be surprised by the many simple ways that you can drive with your electronic cigarettes nearby at all times.