JoyeTech eVic Supreme Review

  1. joyetech-evic-supreme copy

We really like the Joyetech brand because they consistently make high quality e-cig devices, each with something unique—and sometimes game-changing—to offer. So when we heard about the eVic Supreme, we were definitely ready to review it, especially since we’d already checked out and reviewed the original eVic, which was definitely a product that offered new features, and surpassed all expectations.

Check out what we have to say about the eVic Supreme below.


Key Features and Specifications

  • Sony 2100mAh lithium battery
  • 6 volt max, 30 watt max
  • 0.5 to 5.0 ohms atomizer
  • 510 eGo-threaded
  • MyVapor software and firmware

First Impressions

The first thing that we have to say is that the eVic Supreme should definitely be considered a totally new APV rather than a refined or upgraded version of the original eVic. The body is defined sharply and there are plenty of fine details. In fact, we could not find any flaws on this product’s exterior, and we think it looks incredible. From the stainless steel that looks and feels perfect, to the etched Joyetech logo and the glossy black head with the bigger display, we really like the way this device looks and feels.


We also noted that the USB port consists of a rubber port cover that you can remove. This is not in any way fragile, which was one of the problems that was encountered with the original eVic. Plus, it doesn’t sit completely flush against the head of the device, so this port cover will be easy to release so you can insert your mini-USB cable.

The fire button is found opposite the port, and this button also serves to turn the product off and on. And the OLED display is definitely sharp and taller than that found on the eVic, which allows for more information to be shown to you.


We even found that the end cap will easily twist off, and taking the battery out is super easy too. The 360-degree settings dial will move just as smoothly, a click at a time, with each increment in your wattage or voltage letting you know you have changed your setting.

Finally, the beauty ring matches the stainless steel perfectly. The threading is 510 and eGo, so you can use Joyetech eGo-threaded clearomisers, though you can also add on X.Jet Spiders as well.  It all depends on what you prefer.

The MyVapors software is meant to help you further customise your vaping experience. Using it, from download and installation, to changing settings and storing data, is straightforward too.

All of this comes packaged in a sleek white box, much like your favourite Apple products. And it is worth noting that the eVic Supreme will shut down after a half hour, but it will only go into a sleep mode after a couple of minutes.

Giving It a Test Run

When you receive your eVic Supreme, you may find that the battery is not fully charged.  We recommend fully charging the device before using it for the first time.  Leave it for around an hour and then boot up the device and install the software.  Next, you may want to attach an Aspire Nautilus to your device, and add your favourite e-liquid.


As soon as you screw the Nautilus onto the device, the eVic Supreme should let you know how many ohms your atomiser is set to.  It will then suggest a recommended vape in wattages or volts.  This is really convenient because it will give you all the information you need right away.  You can, however, go ahead and play around with the settings too. After all, this way you can control the voltage and wattage as you see fit until you found your sweet spot. Within seconds, you should be able to find the right settings with the right quality and quantity of vape.

To really get to know the software that comes with the eVic Supreme, you’ll want to attach the device to your computer using the USB cable. After clicking on Connect eCig and Get Data from eCig, you will be able to grab a lot of information and transfer it to your computer. You will want to go through the many menus and set up your options to your preferences, but this will take just a few minutes, even if it’s your first time doing it.


Final Thoughts

It is really easy to learn how to use, and it comes with the added bonus of all of the features that come with the MyVapors software. Plus, with regular firmware updates, you can always rest assured that your device is operating up to the latest standards.

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