Lotus VapeCase Review

  1. lotus-vape-case

The VapeCase is a truly innovative product that’s now on the e-cig market for all to enjoy. It’s such a neat product, in fact, that you may wish that you’d thought of it first. Basically, it turns your iPhone 5 case into an e-cig.

VapeCase is Lotus’ attempt at a product that’s extremely original and something that should be in high demand, especially since many people never forget to carry their mobile phones with them everywhere they go, but they may forget to bring along their e-cig accessories. The VapeCase would pretty much solve the problem of forgetting your vape gear at home because your iPhone case would have enough power to operate your e-cig, and you’d also be able to attach a clearomiser or a cartomiser to it as well.

But does the VapeCase deliver on everything that it promises, or is it just a dream that has not yet been refined enough to be worth your investment? Continue reading for the answers in the review below.


Key Features and Specifications

  • 4 variable voltage settings, from 2.75v to 5v
  • 510 and eGo adapter
  • 2000mAh battery
  • Short circuit protection self-shutoff
  • Use with atomisers with ranges of 1.5 ohms to 2.8 ohms

First Impressions

The VapeCase by Lotus comes with a 2000mAh lithium-ion battery that is rated at 3.7 volts. This is a super thin battery, so it uses the latest technology. To put it in perspective, it is even thinner than the Mophie Juice Pack Plus.

The case also features a variety of necessary cut outs, and the feel is of a soft rubber texture that is actually quite luxurious and expensive looking. Its e-cig component is found at the top, and you can attach a 510 cartomiser without it making the whole thing look strange. This is a solid and attractive product overall.


The variable voltage on this device is found in the form of four setting options. These include 5v, 4.25v, 3.5v, and 2.75v. And Lotus has urged users of this product to only utilise atomisers that range from 1.5 ohms to 2.8 ohms. For the best results, though, it is recommended that you stick with 2.5 ohms.

Many people also like the fact that this product comes with a lot of great safety features built in as well. These include 15A power protection, as well as protection against overcharging or undercharging the battery. The device will even shut itself off as part of its short circuit protection feature, and in order to restart it, you need to connect it to your wall charger.


Other standout features include a convenient LED that indicates your battery level, a micro USB charging port, and an adapter to change from 510 to eGo threading.

Giving It a Test Run

Reviewers who have been able to test out the VapeCase by Lotus have used several different cartomisers and clearomisers, and the performance was great all around. The unit produced loads of vapour, and the flavour of the e-liquids used were also accurate, with nice throat hits as well. The cartomiser and e-liquid that you choose to use, though, does play a role in how well the VapeCase performs.


In terms of battery performance, reviewers have found that you can get more than 7 hours of vaping time in. Therefore, this is a great battery, as it will last a long time. Plus, the beauty ring, as well as the adapter, work well so you can definitely use clearomisers if you do not wish to utilise a cartomiser.


Finally, with the four settings for the variable voltage, users are able to easily and quickly find the ideal setting for their vaping needs, at least the vast majority of the time. Testers even found it kind of fun to be able to go through the various settings and watch the vape change as they did so until they found the setting that worked best for them.


Some users, however, were disappointed by the fact that the VapeCase is a one-piece device that, while very secure, is difficult to take off the iPhone. Nevertheless, while it is on your smartphone, you can talk and vape at the same time, which is a great feature.

Final Thoughts

If you do more than just average everyday vaping, and if your e-cig gear includes an RBA, you will also be disappointed by the performance of this product because it would be below what your current standards are.