Horizon has introduced Arctic Sub Tank which can probably fulfill all e-smoker’s desires. Now you can utilize the base turbine dual coil Ohm (0.2) to power up Arctic more than 100 watts. You can feel a clear difference of taste and vapor as compare to any other tank available in market. The Arctic also consists of cooling mechanism which intends to keep drip tip and tank cooler even at higher wattage like 100 watts.
There are 4 controllable airflow valves in the tank so, due to these extra valves TANK can produces outstanding quantity of vapor.
Arctic is made of pure stainless steel and also contains Pyrex glass tube which has capacity about 2.5ml juice. To produce the finest vapor and great taste Horizon used USA made Kanthal wire which is 100% made of Organic Cotton.
Horizon has produced Arctic in such way that user can use Bottom Turbine Coil or Bottom Turbine Dual Coil (one at a time)