The SMOK Galileo is a mechanical mod, so this e-cig smoking device is really designed with experienced and professional vapers in mind. While many people are perfectly satisfied with using an APV that features variable wattage or variable voltage, this product is for those who are looking for something a little extra. And being that its price is surprisingly affordable for all of the power and performance that it provides, it really is a great investment for those who would like to add it to their collection.
To learn more about what exactly makes the SMOK Galileo mech mod so special, continue reading to check out the review below. This will help you figure out whether or not you should be splurging on this product.
Key Features and Specifications
- Uses 18350, 18500, and 18650 batteries
- Stainless steel
- eGo and 510 threading
- Voltage ranges from 3.7 volts to 4.2 volts
- Adjustable centre pin
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First Impressions
Upon taking the SMOK Galileo out from its packaging, you’ll probably notice that this is definitely a solid product that’s built really well. But despite being such a strong product, it feels pretty light in your hand; in fact, it’s probably going to feel lighter than you expect it to feel, especially based upon its looks. The other thing you’ll notice is that the body is made of attractive stainless steel that’s surprisingly resistant to fingerprints, which is great because you can easily keep this mech mod looking great for a long time.
The threads on this device work with eGo and 510 threaded devices, but they do make a slight sound when they’re being used. Yet, they’re otherwise really smooth and certainly quiet enough to not be an issue. Also, being that you can use both eGo and 510 threading with the SMOK Galileo, you’ll have a wide range of choices when it comes to what cartomisers, tanks, clearomisers, and RBAs you want to use, all without having to use an adapter.
Reviewers have also taken note of the firing button on the SMOK Galileo because it is smaller in diameter from the firing button that is found on the SMOKTech Magneto, which is another really popular device that is actually quite similar to the SMOK Galileo. But despite being smaller, it does come out a bit further from the actual body of this mech mod, so it is a lot easier to press.
back to menu ↑Giving It a Test Run
Now that you have a good idea of what all of the great exterior features are on the SMOK Galileo, it is time to touch upon how well it actually performs. After all, who really cares about what features a device has to boast or what a device looks like if it doesn’t work well, right? Thankfully, the SMOK Galileo works just as well—if not better—than it looks. And all of its features are strong and reliable.
Some users do feel, however, that the performance of this device could be better. Even though the performance is solid overall, some people think that it really doesn’t provide enough standout performance that you can’t get from other similar devices, like the Magneto that was mentioned earlier in this review.
Nevertheless, it can’t be denied that the battery delivers power smoothly and cleanly. And the power is delivered without any noticeable drop in voltage until just before the battery loses its charge and will need to be replaced and recharged.
Some reviewers have also paired the SMOK Galileo with an 18500 battery with a Kick 2 and an X.Jet Spider. This creates a really comfortable and capable device that is hard to put down. However, users did note that the pull would be less stiff if a 510-threaded tank or cartomiser were used instead.
Also, depending upon what battery you go with, the SMOK Galileo will feel different in your hand. For example, when you apply an 18650 battery, you may find that the firing button can rest on the inside of your pinky finger while your thumb can rest easily on the inner tube between the head and outer tube. But when you apply an 18350 battery, things change, and you may find that your thumb now ends up resting on the device’s rounded head next to your atomiser device while the rest of the device is completely in your hand.
back to menu ↑Final Thoughts
You may want to check out this device in person in order to decide if it is right for you, as it may perform like other devices that you have tried, so your buying decision may ultimately depend upon how it feels and looks in your hands and how easy it is for you to use it.